

Every time weather changes here, people tend to go crazy over it and to a certain extent I can understand.  There are very few things I don't love about the rain, and it finally raining is a welcome change.

I might be insane, but I'm going to share my experience from tonight. I've had a really, honestly horrible week for a several good reasons, and also a couple of terrible ones (namely, attractive asian men.) I've been working very hard with little commitment- a contradiction, I know- to cheer myself up. Unsuccessful attempts have included crying, intoxicants, sleep, self-pity, and overworking myself.

Today was better. I came to terms with things. I realized that I was finally beginning to get over him, and it
was nice to feel rational again. At the same time, I still felt like moving on was never going to be quite as right for me. I really am fond of him.

Aside from that, I arrived home to find The Princess Diaries on the television. Nothing seems to be as comfortable as a nicely and coincidentally programmed favorite bad movie from childhood.

All of this combined still didn't clear everything, though. I was left with that horrible feeling that I'd been plagued with the rest of this week.

Here I come back to the rain. That first rain that has seemed so important to everyone else has never felt so important as it did tonight. Bundled up in enough layers to make me look like Ralphie's kid brother from A Christmas Story, I ventured out into my backyard and laid down on the highest ground I could find.

I'm not really sure how long I was out there; the time sort of felt endless, like the way it does in a good high. It didn't really feel like anything special, I guess. Cold and wet would be the obvious descriptors. It was interesting to feel the changes in the speed at which the rain fell. I couldn't find a pattern. It's rare to find anything in life that doesn't fall into a pattern.

Eventually I got tired of it and decided to go inside and warm up. As I stood up, I got this amazing burst of energy. It was truly something spectacular that after what couldn't have been more than fifteen minutes of lying down, I felt more refreshed and alive than after any nights' sleep for the past year. All of that feeling from this week was gone.

I don't know what it is, but there's something special about the rain.

Mucho amore,
The Homeless Hero

P.S.- I PROMISE I'll post more now. PINKY promise.

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